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Whether you are a beginner or a veteran in Diablo 4, the combat system of the game will eventually test every player's might. The complexity of combat scales sharply with increasingly difficult World Tiers and Nightmare Dungeons, making proper mechanics critical to your survival. In this guide, we will show you some tips to sharpen your combat skills and increase your chance of successfully emerging from your next deadly situation.

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Survey the scene before rushing in

Unless you’re overpowered by the content, always enter a new area with caution. As you approach a new room or corridor, poke your head in and look around before engaging the enemies inside. Rushing in before surveying the scene is the way to get overwhelmed and lose your head.

Avoid enemy AOE indicators

Elites and bosses telegraph their powerful moves, creating area-of-effect outlines for spells that are about to land. These indicators are a warning that big damage and/or crowd control are about to hit a specific spot. Once you see an AOE indicator on the ground, there’s only a very short delay before that spell will hit. Whenever you see one of these, you need to move immediately.

Group Up Enemies

For each class, several abilities will hit a designated area, pierce through targets, or splash damage on nearby enemies. When enemies are grouped up, they’ll take the maximum amount of damage from these spells. To clear areas as efficiently as possible, group up monsters to take advantage of this multi-target damage.

Know your exits and safe areas

Controlling the positioning of the battlefield is one of the best ways to win every combat situation. But when the enemy has the positional upper hand, be ready to slip out of a sticky situation by knowing the area's exits and safe spaces. Take note of any spaces that aren’t currently under siege, pillars that you can hide behind, or any other environmental objects that let you regain the flow of action.

Use corridors to your advantage

When monsters overwhelm your position, they are harder to hit, and they maximise their damage output. This can happen quickly in tight corridors, but these spaces also have their own unique opportunities. Base your combat strategy on the layout of the area you’re fighting in. Monsters can be grouped up and kited much easier in tight spaces, but you can’t circle around to avoid damage. Enemy AOE spells can be deadly in these spaces, but so can yours.

Engage high-priority targets first

Ranged minions are generally high-damage, low-health glass cannons that’ll melt your HP if left untouched. Summoners have the ability to spawn an inexhaustible army of minions that endlessly assault you, no matter how many you kill. Enemies like these need to be irradiated as your top priority in battle. So whenever you enter a new area, identify all ranged and summoned minions and rush to take them out first.

Maximise Your Potions

Healing potions are essential in Diablo 4. Without them, you wouldn't be able to heal yourself in the middle of combat. You'll initially start with four of them, but as you progress through the game, you can upgrade them and carry more. When you’re pushing high-level Nightmare Dungeons or any cutting-edge content, potions become crucial and scarce.

Keep Kiting

Whether you play a ranged class or you're a melee character pushing challenging content, kiting is an important gameplay strategy in Diablo 4. At one point or another, you’ll need to kite enemies around to separate monsters or just take a breather. If you’re having trouble clearing a room, never stop kiting.

Slow and steady wins every fight

Focusing on damage rather than survivability is a fun way to play, but it’s not the most effective. Spend more time thinking about your own health pool than those of the enemies you’re fighting, and you’ll always be safe. Because it doesn’t matter how fast you are if you die. Focus on staying alive and chipping away at enemy health pools, and you will emerge victorious.
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